Study Tai Chi

Tai Chi Classes

Tai Chi Classes at the Shen Ren Qigong studio offer in depth training of numerous aspects of the Tai Chi practice so that students can properly learn the form, the energetics of the form, and how to appropriately move the limbs and joints for maximum benefit. Although we do not teach martial arts Tai Chi, we discuss how the gentle Tai Chi movements have martial application as well. This assists in developing greater awareness of the movements and it assists with increasing Qi flow. (We start students with the Beijing 24 Tai Chi form – “Simplified Form”).

About the Tai Chi Teacher

Har Har Khalsa studied Tai Chi intensively for five years under Sifu Richard Leirer, Tai Chi and Qigong Master, who studied directly with Master Tianyou Hao and other Tai Chi Masters from China. Har Har Khalsa additionally studied Tai Chi in China under Master Ming Yue. He also studied directly under Master Tianyou Hao. Har Har Khalsa has been teaching Tai Chi and Qigong at the Shen Ren Qigong studio for several years, helping students gain health, agility, flexibility, Qi flow, strength and physical and mental balance.

In-Person Classes

Wednesdays — 5:00pm to 6:00pm

Shen Ren Training Center
16 Amar Das Court
Espanola, NM

Suggested donation — $15 per class

Please contact us prior to beginning classes. Thank you.

505-747-0401 or

Qigong classes are currently held at our beautiful 1000 square foot octagonal wooden floor facility (Shen Ren Center), built and dedicated exclusively for the practice of Qigong. Classes consist of Qigong warmups and movements for health and longevity, along with a brief standing meditation, followed by occasional sitting meditations.

Study Via Zoom

Har Har Khalsa offers one and half hour Zoom classes for $40 per session.
Contact us at for more information.

Watch our Free Videos to Practice at Home

Although we recommended learning directly from a teacher, our videos contain a great deal of detail for students to practice at home and review some of the basics. Please feel free to review our free videos below.

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