Qi Healing Treatments

Har Har has spent years developing his ability to project Qi and use it for healing others. This practice is done as a non-touch system or in combination with tapping or acupressure of key points. Har Har Khalsa learned this art from Master Hao, utilizing special techniques for cleaning Sickness Qi, Regulation Qi Flow, and Supplementing Qi. This practice is rooted in Chinese Medicine in terms of Medical Qigong. Har Har has received feedback of numerous successful results from the recipients of the Qi Healing treatments. Service by donation.
Contact for an appointment harhar@shenrenqigong.com.

Building Qi Power

We have put together a practice routine for those who wish to rehabilitate their health and strength or build powerful Qi flow and Qi healing/Qi ability through key Medical Qigong practices. These practices represent the foundation of Qigong and they are based on ancient techniques specific to our style of practice. The Qi building techniques will strengthen your body tremendously and open your channels. This is a two year training program provided, along with regular correspondence with an authentic Qigong instructor, Har Har Khalsa.

Practice includes:

  1. Zhan Zhuang in combination with Ground and Sky breathing.
  2. Jing Gong (Quiet Form) with Contrary Breathing, Qi Chen Xia Dantien, Dantien Focus, and the Six Breathing techniques.
  3. Small Circle meditation complete with recording links for practice.
  4. Small Heaven meditation complete with recording links for practice.
  5. Online Qi and Body Awareness Course: access to Har Har Khalsa’s online Qi and Body Awareness course, which includes Qigong movement practice videos.
  6. Paperback Book: a copy of Har Har Khalsa’s book, Qi and Body Awareness.
  7. Correspondence with Har Har Khalsa via e-mail.
  8. Free Qigong Classes at the Shen Ren Qigong studio or use our practice videos.

Direct guidance on the above “Building Qi Power – Qi Healing Qigong” practices can be done at the Qigong studio or remotely for an additional Zoom class. For those who wish to utilize Zoom classes, we can also provide instruction on Qigong movements from our videos that are practiced.

Two Year Training Program: $2000

If you are interested in Building Qi Power, please contact Har Har at harhar@shenrenqigong.com.

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